Thank You

The phrase “quenched the violence of fire”* has new meaning.

Oh, it’s still burning. It will keep burning into July, more than likely. But prayers have calmed the winds. And the calm has starved the fury of the fire...

The active remains of the largest fire in Arizona’s history are walled in by the freshly charred footprints of thousands of acres of back burns. (All of the action on this side of the state line falls into that category, despite what CNN says.)

Father’s daily conference calls with the State Emergency Operations Command team, the Sheriff’s office, State Police, and Forest Service get more and more optimistic by the day. As long as the wind holds, (and we believe it will) all will be well. 

Our eyes still burn from the smoke in the afternoons. 
And our hearts still burn for the owners of the 32 homes that are gone...
But we rejoice over the 2,600+ others that have been spared.

We rejoice over life.

And we rejoice in the strength that has been added to our faith by watching your prayers stop this unstoppable monster half a mile from our county line.
God is good.

So from our hearts, and on behalf of 10,000 other people, most of whom should soon be able to go back home--

Thank You.

A thousand times, Thank You.

*Hebrews 11:34
Photo 1: Associated Press
Photo 2: Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest


  1. Wow. I just can't get over the thrill of watching prayers answered right before my eyes! I think I'm addicted. ;) We'll still keep it in prayer. I'm praying for an early monsoon.

  2. You and me both! :) Please do keep praying... We still need rain. There's more dry lightning in the forecast for this weekend. :-|

  3. God is so good!

    I believe in the impossible because every time I am tempted to forget, something big happens to make me stop and think...and rejoice!

  4. It's been a while since I was last on Blogger and it wasn't till now that I found out about the fires. Praying for rain, for the firefighters, for the families who have lost all.


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