Make Me Your Hands

That's the simple prayer on our hearts this morning, standing on the edge of a new adventure.
We're off for a month in Bolivia, to share a message of hope in a land where the idea of familyness is a concept of yesterday. We're off to practice a language-- two languages. Spanish, and Service... We're off to find orphans to love in mountain orphanages, because love is the best gift we can give.
And we hope you'll uphold us with your prayers.

We'll try to keep up with posting photos and tidbits, internet allowing. :)

the kiosk doesn't like us. (go figure.)



  1. Praying for your safety, and that God will give you abundant patience, wisdom and joy as you serve in Bolivia and all points in between.

  2. Blessings to you as you travel! May you feel the arm of God surrounding you!


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