Villa Tunari


From Cochabamba we descended into the jungle to spend two nights at the orphanage in Villa Tunari. It is the largest of the three orphanages with 70-some children. We enjoyed the privilege of sharing messages with the house parents and children in the one full day that we had. We had speaking appointments at the orphanage in Cerenid on Sabbath, and 7 hours of taxi ride to get there, so we soaked in the humid surroundings and packed up all too soon. 

While in transit on the roads, any time the taxi or bus came to a checkpoint or toll booth, vendors pressed around the windows offering their goods. Once we bought 5 softball sized avocados for $1.30.

The fruits around here are amazing! It seems that almost every day another fruit surfaces that we’ve never seen or tasted before. Some are definitely now on the favorites list. 

One of the new favorites is Chirimoya- a custard-like fruit. This particular type grows only in this region of jungle. Mom was sure we should go through the hassle of paperwork through US customs to bring some of these seeds home, but then these fruits will surely only grow where one can swim through the air anyway. 

Our time in the jungle drew to a close and we caught a taxi for the 7 hour trip to Santa Cruz and on to Cerenid. 

Leaving Cochabamba

Sleep while you can. Bus ride to Villa Tunari


A mighty jungle man

Sean and José

Speaking at the orphanage 

Riverfront view



  1. Thanks for an update on your adventures! We pray you will be a blessing and in turn be blessed!

  2. The Chirimoya looks like a fruit that we call Custard Apple, but I could be wrong. Do you have custard apple in the US?

  3. You can get chirimoya at Whole Foods, but it probably doesn't taste near as good as fresh. I would be bringing back children, not fruit. May God continue to bless your trip.

  4. I've seen Chirimoya at Asian markets, but it was never as good as in Peru. It is one of my favorites, to be sure!

  5. Love all the updates! :) Can't wait to hear all about it when you get back :) My prayers are with you all.

  6. Thanks for the prayers @Brittney @jj @Abigail!
    @Rebekah, not sure. :)
    @jj, Absolutely! Bolivian government doesn't allow foreigners to adopt specific children, however. :( Trust me, we had discussed...
    @Lisa :)

  7. Thank you for posting and for the pics Joshie! I think I am without question the biggest fan of Nebblett family updates these days. :) Praying for you continually, and enjoying your adventure vicariously.

    Love you!


  8. Praying too. Love the pictures and updates. Ditto with Gaily, looking forward to hearing more.

  9. Love the pictures, Josh!
    We're continuing praying for you. Can't wait to see you all and hear more about! :)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. The "Chirimoya" fruit in Puerto Rico we call it "Guanabana" (with accent in the 3rd "a" from right to left). I always took it for granted... :(


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