Praise and Prayer to the Life Giver--

I came upon this touching scene of our firstborn child-- now a mother-- seeking to pass on to her firstborn precious lessons learned long ago 

“....showing to the generations to come the praises of the Lord, and His strength and His wonderful works that He hath done....That the generation to come might know them, even the children which should be born; who should arise and make them known to their children: That they might set their hope in God, and not forget the works of God, but keep His commandments...” Ps. 78: 4-7
Our hearts rejoice in You, gracious Father and Life Giver. Your life is holy. Your motives  pure. The decrees of Your providence perfect. Your character- Love. May we ever sing the praises of Your holy name... through cloud and sunshine... exalting Your beauty and proclaiming Your long as we have breath.

Today we praise You, in the midst of glorious sunshine, for the precious gift and unspeakable joy of the birth two weeks ago today, of Hudson Elijah Fisher. 

Thank you for captivating the hearts of his dear parents Luke and Chantée. They chose to trust You with the life of their unborn child, while serving You in the jungles of Africa.   

Whether their babe lived or succumbed to the life threat of his mother’s malaria, they knew their benevolent God could be trusted... Whether we live or die, You are too wise to make a mistake and too loving to do anything unkind. We glory in Your matchless love, grace and mercy, which inspired our children’s trust.

As You kept Hudson Elijah safe from many dangers in his little cocoon before birth, keep now his heart, mind, soul and strength forever set apart for Your noble purposes as he grows “in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man.”  

May heaven’s richest blessing-- the love of our Father-- find new significance and awaken more profound gratitude and devotion in the hearts of his precious parents.

Pour Your grace on their home and make it ever one “where Jesus’ name is sweet to every ear, where children early lisp His fame and parents hold Him dear...” Keep them in awe of their sacred trust and mindful of their dire need of grace....
“Every home influence, even the very smallest, works itself into the heart of childhood and then reappears in the opening character. Homes are the real schools where men and women are trained, and fathers and mothers are the real teachers and builders of life.  The poet’s song that charms the world is but the sweetness of a mother’s love flowing out in rhythmic measure through the soul of her child.  The lovely things which men make in their days of strength are but the reproductions in embodied forms of the lovely thoughts that were whispered in their hearts in tender youth. The artist’s picture is but a touch of a mother’s beauty wrought out on canvas.  There is nothing in all the influences and surroundings of the home of tender childhood so small that it does not leave its touch of beauty or of marring upon the life.” J.R. Miller
Father, may angels rush to the aid of Luke and Chantée when they cry for help and wisdom.  May they discharge their holy duties with faithfulness, with Heaven's aid, leaving a touch of beauty upon the life of their precious son--God’s future servant--Hudson Elijah Fisher.

(Some snapshots through the eye of an iPhone 4)


  1. Love all these pics! Adorable baby. Wonderful God.

  2. That video is precious! Congratulations to all of you!

  3. Thank you for the pictures! So beautiful all through. And a touching invocation on his life and family.

  4. it's a pure joy to see the sweet photos with new member in your family. May the Lord bless him and keep him safe everyday. He is lucky to have so many loving people around him. Children are the precious gifts from God.


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