New Year's Vows

My Lord, I want my day to  day heart's devotion to Christ to be supreme. I choose to cooperate with you to banish every idol from my heart – any thing that proves to be so important to me that it entices me to sin (even mere fretting), if I fail to obtain it or achieve it.

Cause me to humble myself daily to discern and confess that I am wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked, that You may come to me and give me more grace to supply my every need (Ja. 4:6, Rev. 3:17).

I know that in my heart I am worshiping something or someone every waking moment of my life. I want that to be You only. So I choose to repent and turn away from my idols (Ez. 14:6), set my deepest hopes and dreams on You, and allow You to displace anything besides You that I have idolized.

You have made it clear that You want the undivided worship, love and loyalty of my heart. (Ex. 20:1, Mk. 12:31). I will center and focus my affections, thoughts, words, motives, and choices on glorifying You (1Cor.10:31).

I will delight to do Your will (Ps. 40:8) and obey the calling of Your Spirit to my heart, to be content with such things as I have (He. 13:5). I will joyfully fulfill my primary calling as a woman that fears the Lord (Prov. 31:30)- to be an excellent helpmeet to my husband, doing him good and not evil all the days of my life (v. 12),  that his heart can safely trust in me (v. 11). 

My goal is not personal happiness but pleasing you, as a repentant sinner, receiving grace to be a godly woman, excellent wife and mother of now grown children, who opens her mouth with wisdom, and in whose tongue is the law of kindness (v.26), who looks well to the ways of her household and eats not the bread of idleness (v. 27); a woman who is being sanctified by the truth, as Jesus prayed for me to be in John 17:17.

I will delight in Your word and partake of it freely (Jer. 15:16). I will hide it in my heart that I might not sin against You (Ps. 119:11).  I will seek You with all my heart and soul and will ever endeavor to please you regardless of my circumstances. 

You are my greatest desire and You are my strong Tower (Prov. 18:10). I will love Thee oh Lord, my strength. You are my rock and my fortress and my Deliverer, my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation and my high tower (Psalms 18:1,2).

As David's passionate desire and longing was after You, like the deer that pants for the waterbrooks (Ps. 42:1), so You are the greatest longing of my soul. Therefore I will set my heart on You—on serving you and seeking after Your pleasure. I will delight in doing Your will, no matter what the cost. My soul will follow hard after You: Your right hand will uphold me (Ps. 63:8).

With Your help, I will cultivate a grateful heart (1 Thee. 5:18), a spirit of praise, a joyful attitude (1 Thes. 5:16) that is not dependent on my feelings at any given moment. I will spend time thinking about...and even daydreaming about You. I will govern my thoughts, not to dwell on disappointments, whereby the enemy would tempt me to be discontent, but I will dwell on whatever thoughts are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous and praiseworthy (Phil. 4:8), that I might please You, even in the midst of disappointment or loss. 

I will remember You upon my bed, and meditate on You in the night watches (Ps. 63:8). With my whole heart will I seek You; oh let me not wander from Your commandments (Ps. 119:10).

You have loved me with an everlasting love and therefore with loving kindness You have drawn me (Jer. 31:3). Your servant says that Love awakens love (MB 76:3). Your Divine love has awakened love for You in my selfish human heart. Purify my heart that my love for you can be a heaven born love— a love that will not fear anything because perfect love casts out fear (1 Jo. 4:18). A self sacrificing love that will not grasp for and cling to the human comforts my flesh longs for (i.e. close fellowship with those I love most on earth), but be accepting of the limitations of this season, and focus on taking advantage of the greater freedom, to pour my love on others who need my service. So I surrender my longing to be ever surrounded by all our children and I will be more focused on giving  than receiving (Acts 20:35).  I will remember that You, Father, gave Your only begotten Son, willing to suffer the separation, that You could bless with everlasting life whomever believes in You (Jn. 3:16).

I trust that you are Love and that You want our children to be saved even more than I do. I will be confident that You, Who have begun a good work in us, are well able to perform  it and complete it (Phil.1:6). When any harm comes to any of us, it will not be because You were not able to take care of us (Ps. 119:75),  but because You have allowed it in your infinite wisdom, love and grace for a higher purpose. I will trust You even when I can’t understand the things that You allow at times.  Cause me always to yield to You, so that Your benevolent purposes can be carried out perfectly in my life!

I was made for Your pleasure (Rev. 4:11). Help me to make it my highest priority to cooperate with You in fulfilling the purpose of my creation. I love You and I trust You! But You deserve a deeper love and greater trust than I can give now to You. Grow my love for You to  match Your worth and my confidence in You to reflect Your faithfulness. Give me Your Spirit to purify my heart and seal my devotion to You, that by Your grace and power, Your Spirit can perpetuate my faithfulness! 


You have revealed that our thoughts and feelings are strengthened as we give them utterance (MH 251.6). I will often- throughout the year voice and rehearse these resolutions which You have inspired, trusting You to give me the faith of Jesus to bring them to fulfillment in the only way possible— Christ in me, the hope of glory! Col. 1:27


  1. Dear sister Maria,
    Thank you so much for the blessing that you and your beloved family are to us! Thank you for the beautiful God honoring and inspiring words you have shared today. All glory to our heavenly Father! And may you continue to be a blessing as you shine as lights for our Lord Jesus in this world. Thank you. So much.
    Lots of love and greetings from Holland, Kim

  2. Amen! Words sure to be translated and published on our German web portal :) Thank you for turning our gaze in the right direction.


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